Saturday, March 13, 2010

Subterranean IF

This is my Subterranean drawing for IF this week
Minering is considered one of the most dangerous trades in the world. In some countries miners often do not have social guarantees and in case of destruction or mutilations they are left to the mercy of fate.

Minors as Miners
Emeralds from Colombia, Gems from India, diamonds from Sierra Leone and silver from Bolivia are all produced from the sweat of poverty-stricken children who are often the main breadwinners for their families.
Breaker boys often worked 14-16 hours per day in mines

Miner Boy

I heard his whistling fading away like sleep into dreams
instead of ‘I Love You’ he’d say ‘You know what I mean’
I’d watch the sun he’d rarely see put red on the cheeks of a child
disappear like his white skin with eyes shining wild

Everyday that lonesome whistle blows
everyday this helpless feeling grows

I do dead work all day long and on Sunday bow my head
I know the Lord’s to busy for me so I pray for the coal instead
Breaker roar might wake up some but I sleep with eyes on the door
and love will only lay me down when I hear boots on the floor

Tom Flannery